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Private  - out of the mid-wood's twilight

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Played by Offline Obsidian [PM] Posts: 380 — Threads: 45
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Inactive Character


The fluttering of his anklet wings draw Florentine’s orange flecked eyes to his feet and casts a delighted smile across her lips. “Oh they are quite adorable!”  For all that Flora admires the boy’s small, silver wings, she cannot help but see the longing in his eyes as he looks over the wing she holds out toward his feet.
Her smile grows softer, more sympathetic. The girl sighs softly, “Big wings are not as great as everyone makes out, trust me  - I mean the flying is great, but they are annoying too…” Florentine pauses, considering her wings and all their foibles. “They get in the way, a lot. Their feathers need regular preening too.” The girl’s golden nose crinkles, her displeasure at the continued upkeep of her wings evident as a huff only serves to add extra emphasis.
Through amethyst eyes she surveys the Sage’s anklet wings and smiles, “Aesthetic maybe, but a very appealing aesthetic.” Flora pauses, considering their fragility. “I suppose you have to be careful about knocking them into things? I am always knocking mine into things –“ It was not just once that Florentine’s clumsiness had been commented upon… “-but at least mine are big enough to take the damage…” And that, she supposed, was a small blessing.
Florentine drinks in the forestry around her, the brightening overhead canopy as the sun begins to dawn, brighter and brighter within the sky. “It is my first time here – but only one of many more I hope. I am afraid you may see more of me, I understand being emissary requires me to do a lot of travelling to other kingdoms.” The Dusk girl pauses thoughtfully, for really, she had not been in the role long and exactly what being an emissary entailed, Flora was not quite sure...
Turning her gaze from the brightening canopy of treetops back to the boy of dusky rose and wild flowers, Florentine smiles. “Ah, I cannot stay, I am sorry. I came to see the sunrise here and, well, I never quite made it after meeting you.” Flora’s smile is as gold as the sunlight and warms her reply, softening any hurt it might of caused because, really, she had quite enjoyed their encounter. “I can see the sunrise another day…” Lifting her muzzle to better peer at the Dawn boy through her fringe and its tangle of gold and flowers Flora adds, “I shall return soon and see the sunrise. Maybe I will see you then? I quite enjoyed our meeting.”
Florentine turns towards the path she arrived along, “Goodbye Ipomoea. I am hoping you could you show me around when I come next time?” With that the flower girl disappears into the dense brush of shrubs and ancient trees.

@Ipomoea Goodness, that was not a good post, I am so sorry! But there it is to close at your leisure! <3 <3

She is clothed with strength and dignity, 
and she laughs without fear of the future 

Messages In This Thread
out of the mid-wood's twilight - by Florentine - 08-03-2017, 04:37 PM
RE: out of the mid-wood's twilight - by Ipomoea - 08-15-2017, 03:10 PM
RE: out of the mid-wood's twilight - by Ipomoea - 09-28-2017, 03:03 PM
RE: out of the mid-wood's twilight - by Florentine - 10-06-2017, 10:16 AM
RE: out of the mid-wood's twilight - by Ipomoea - 10-06-2017, 09:15 PM
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