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Played by [PM] Posts: N/A — Threads:

<>:X:<> KAZI <>:X:<> 

"I read the rules..."

It hadn't been too hard a decision to choose the forest over the desert. The heat on the sand wasn't too much of a deterrent but when given the choice it seemed more likely that the choice to live would be within the trees. Of course there had been a desert kingdom in his homeland too so he wasn't completely ruling the idea out. It was never a good idea to go off of an assumption instead of just going and getting proof yourself. In the end spending the time to confirm something would always be better than being wrong. Kazi had spent almost a week searching his home and the area surrounding it for his sister before eventually giving up on that plan. Traveling with his father would probably yield more answers than being on his own anyway. Leaving his mother had been rough but knowing she was in the care of family was reassuring enough to allow the boy to continue on his way. 

The trees offered relief from the sun that had been beating down on the plains, though the young stallion had to admit that he'd prefer the heat of the open grasslands to the bit of shade. Lack of vision was more dangerous than the sweat that wet his coat but the forest was more familiar and in the long run he would prefer to explore the desert when he had more of an idea of the other surrounding areas. Knowing which lands were ruled over, and by who, would be vital information at some point. Until then he would gather what he could and learn from whoever would teach him. 

He just had to find the right people and for that the boy would have to search wherever he could. At least until his father arrived, then Kazi would see what he had planned. Sure he had his own agenda for being in this new area but that didn't mean he couldn't cause a little chaos or do whatever the older stallion wanted to do. The boy wanted to have plenty of stories to make his twin jealous of whenever he did find her. They still had plenty of their own problems to cause and places to wreck havoc on.

With his thoughts turning towards dangerous areas the young stallion returned his attention to the trees, silently scolding himself for becoming distracted in unknown territory. He'd have to get better about that, especially once he started running into others. Kazi was still young but he felt as though his features didn't give him the benefit of being thought of as innocent or harmless. Which if he were to really think about it the boy would find this rather satisfying, though being underestimated did come with certain perks. Hopefully those that found him not so immediately innocent would also underestimate him. It would be a joyful encounter to prove them in the wrong but he would have to hold himself back from going too far. Fear was power but it would only put a target on his head that would be hard to avoid at the moment. Scouting would be his only act until he could find a more permanent home from which to work. 

"... before I break them."


@Liam He's become a lot darker and he's not a happy camper at the moment, you've been warned <3

Played by Offline Marthanóir [PM] Posts: 69 — Threads: 8
Signos: 10
Dusk Court Citizen
Male [He/His/Him]  |  Immortal [Year 494 Summer]  |  20 hh  |  Hth: 10 — Atk: 10 — Exp: 57  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: N/A


Dawn Court. He'd never been here before, and part of him felt odd about it. Once considering himself to be a great wanderer, the copper-burnished stallion realized he'd been keeping himself maintained well within the Dusk Court, something that he was clearly trying to remedy on this day. The stallion had traveled from his home near the Citadel and had trekked through Tinea Swamp, Amare Creek, had spent some time exploring the area around there, before finally stepping into Viride Forest. As much as he loved Novus and the individuals he'd been lucky to meet, there were parts of him that missed his previous home. There, he'd been reunited with Bucky again, had managed to find several dear friends, and had even managed to make himself an enemy or two. Most importantly, though, he'd found a wonderful mare and had become something of a pseudo-father to her twin foals, who he'd witnessed be born. 

Summer was sweltering, but Liam openly preferred the spring or summer, and despised the chill that lingered in his muscles and bones whenever autumn or winter settled in. There had been times when he resorted to sleeping right in front of the fireplace whenever a hard chill settled in and refused to leave. Despite enjoying the warmer temperatures, the stallion wouldn't deny the fact that he also enjoyed the nice reprieve that the shade of trees and other vegetation offered. It was nice, especially considering the fact that his white markings were a little more prone to sunburn than the rest of his frame. As he moved around slowly through the Forest, Liam interacted kindly with the creatures living there, nickering softly as he approached birds and squirrels, watching with wonder as they moved about their business, chattering away with each other in their own language.

His pace was slow, leisurely, like he had not a care in the world. It was true; he didn't. His husband was still missing, but that wasn't unlike Bucky. The dark stallion would one day find his way back to the chestnut stallion, and they would continue their relationship as if not a day had gone by without one another. As he stopped to sniff at a patch of grass, there was movement up ahead, but the stallion brushed it off, feeling like he'd imagined it. Lifting his regal head up, he flared his nostrils, extending his neck up and out, trying to catch a scent if there was one available. But the air was too still, and the scents of the birds and squirrels were too overpowering, and the stallion frowned, flattening his ears against his skull.

Cautiously, Liam approached the spot that he'd seen the movements, his hoofbeats silent as he tracked his target. His in-depth military training helped, his senses zeroed in on what - or who - he was following. Ears swiveled round and round, listening to the angry chattering of the birds above, the anxious squeaking of the squirrels as they jumped from branch to branch, the sound of bushes and trees being disturbed. Carefully, the stallion turned the corner around a grouping of trees, and he stumbled to a stop, the young colt before him like a ghost. It was one of the twins he'd helped raise, had helped bring into the world. Despite having had no paternal attachment to the colt and his sister, Liam thought of the duo as his own, and had tried to be there for them as often as he could. Kazi had grown into a powerful, strong young stallion, and Liam couldn't suppress the surge of pride washing through him. "Kazi. It's been a long time," he commented, coming to stand on the outskirts of a small clearing in the forest. Jerking his head toward the clearing, he offered a slight smile. "Join me?"

"Liam speaks."

Notes;; Hi, I missed Liam and Kazi interactions <3
Tag;; @Kazi 
Voice claim;; Chris Evans
Words;; 634

Played by [PM] Posts: N/A — Threads:

<>:X:<> KAZI <>:X:<> 

"I read the rules..."

The feeling of eyes on one's back never quite managed to make the boy shiver but they did cause him to pause his movements. It was a reaction he had been practicing in order to keep someone that possibly tried to follow him from knowing that he had noticed them. Normally he could keep himself from full on pausing and turn the resulting slight stumble into something more natural. This time though instinct had him stopping with a hoof still in the air while bright eyes scanned around the trees.

After a moment Kazi almost pushed the feeling away and continued on when the sound of crunching leaves and branches erupted to his left. After this interaction he would have to talk with himself about not following his instincts completely. They were there and strong for a reason, following them whenever they appeared had only ever kept him safe and alive. His head quickly moved so that he could see what had disturbed the decaying plants along the forest floor.

Kazi couldn't keep his limbs from freezing out of surprise but he was able to keep the frown on his face from turning into something darker. Bright eyes narrowed slightly as he turned to fully face the stallion that he had known since the day he was born. A mixed set of emotions battled within the young boy but the strongest could easily be labeled as anger, though he refused to let it be shown just yet. Instead he just stared at the soldier and chose to keep the recognition to himself, hoping the thought of not being remembered would hurt the stallion more than anger would.

Was it worth it to follow? To see what someone he had almost thought of as a father figure had to say? A small part of the boy wanted to just ignore the request and continue on his way but then he wouldn't get any answers to questions that he hadn't been aware that he had until this moment. With a frustrated sigh at his own curiosity and childish desire he nodded once and followed the stallion. Kazi stopped as soon as he reached the clearing and turned to face the soldier again, keeping his eyes hard.

"Hello Liam."

"... before I break them."


They've always been entertaining | @Liam 

Played by Offline Marthanóir [PM] Posts: 69 — Threads: 8
Signos: 10
Dusk Court Citizen
Male [He/His/Him]  |  Immortal [Year 494 Summer]  |  20 hh  |  Hth: 10 — Atk: 10 — Exp: 57  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: N/A


The slight pause in the other's movements caught his attention, and Liam had to be impressed for a moment. The stallion still wasn't sure entirely of who the other was, but the golden coat stretched across a large frame had him thinking of a few possibilities. The thought of his faux-son, Kazi, came to mind, but he wasn't entirely sure. Still, he wondered where the boy had picked up the wariness he was showing now. Was it possible that Kazi had picked it up from him? Or was it possible that the colt had picked it up from someone else? 

Unfortunately, as Liam moved around the bushes and trees to see the other equine in the distance, he didn't leave enough space between him and the foliage. It rustled against his frame, and he froze, one foreleg in the air, his nostrils flared. His sides had ceased moving, and the urge to hide behind the foliage was nearly impossible to suppress. Instead, he stood there, eyes wide as he watched the golden equine in front of him. The other equine - stallion by the scent of him - moved their head quickly so that they could see who or what had disturbed the foliage.

The frown on Kazi's face was clearly evident, and the guilt easily managed to worm its way on Liam's own face. Grimacing, the stallion dropped his foreleg to the earth beneath him, and he took a deep breath, watching Kazi intently. Those blue eyes of Kazi's eyes narrowed slightly and Liam pricked his ears hopefully, the look on his face turning into one that was soft, encouraging. He wasn't sure what the young colt had gotten up to since the last time that they had seen each other, but the copper-burnished stallion hoped that there wasn't any animosity or anger felt on Kazi's end. Liam had done what he thought was the proper thing. He'd left behind letters, telling his family - Bucky, Rowan, Octavia, the twins - where he was going and why but he didn't know if any of them had gotten the letters. Well, except for Bucky. He knew that his husband had gotten it; the grumpy stallion had eventually joined him back in Agnosia where they wedded.

Carefully, Liam moved away from Kazi, toward the clearing that was beside them. Thankfully, the colt decided to follow, only giving a frustrated sigh. A bemused huff escaped the stallion's nostrils at the sound of it. Just like a child, he thought, but not bitterly or angrily. Rather, it was amused, and Liam found himself finding Kazi's reaction funny. As soon as they reached the clearing, Kazi stopped, and Liam turned his larger frame to face his faux-son. There was a hard expression in the colt's eyes, and Liam sighed gently, his ears flicking backward as a solemn, apologetic expression settled on his face.

He didn't deserve forgiveness from Kazi, let alone Octavia or Kaja, or even Rowan. Hell, he didn't even deserve forgiveness from Bucky, but he still got it. "Do you want me to explain why I disappeared? Or would you rather avoid the topic altogether? How are your mother and sister?" Liam inquired, his voice careful, professional, and inquisitive.

"Liam speaks."

Notes;; Liam is very, very sorry, Kazi. Please forgive him ;w;
Tag;; @Kazi 
Voice claim;; Chris Evans
Words;; 533

Played by [PM] Posts: N/A — Threads:

<>:X:<> KAZI <>:X:<> 

"I read the rules..."

The guilt that had shown on the older stallion's face only added fuel to the fire that had begun to burn inside him with his first glimpse of Liam. Kazi's lips wanted to pull back against his tusks in a sneer but he refused to give away just how much anger he was currently harboring. The anger wasn't unexpected but the disappointment certainly was. He really didn't to feel anything else, especially when faced with the reason for such emotions, but it seemed as though it was out of his hooves. It'd just have to be something he dealt with later on, or possibly turn into something useful in the moment.

The colt wondered what Liam thought was amusing enough in this situation. He thought it was pretty obvious that the presence of the stallion wasn't as joyful as it might have been to anyone else. The return of a father figure would have been a reason to celebrate but with the way that he had left those he had promised to protect Kazi would never forgive him. He could barely find it in himself to be somewhat civil.

If Liam had stopped after the 2nd question the colt might have held himself together. He could have taken a moment to consider the options, decide if hearing excuses was really what he wanted. Instead the third question acted as gasoline poured into the open flames and red bled into his vision. It was a miracle that his face stayed as still as it did even as the blue of his eyes brightened in anger to hide the pang of despair at the mention of Kaja.

"You don't deserve to ask about them." His words were icy to the point of frozen, a major contrast to how he felt inside. Kazi really didn't want to talk about his mother or twin with this stallion but the malicious part of him whispered that hearing of their fates would hurt more than not knowing. The flames died down and the ice melted a bit, leaving behind a more monotone, slightly robotic voice.

"My mother's mind has decayed to the point of no return. There's no talking to her without speaking to hundreds of ghosts instead. And my sister..." Kazi forced his voice to stay steady, fighting with himself to keep from showing anything other the steel of indifference. "Kaja is gone."

"... before I break them."


@Liam | Gonna be a long road to that

Played by Offline Marthanóir [PM] Posts: 69 — Threads: 8
Signos: 10
Dusk Court Citizen
Male [He/His/Him]  |  Immortal [Year 494 Summer]  |  20 hh  |  Hth: 10 — Atk: 10 — Exp: 57  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: N/A


There was no way that Liam knew what was on the colt's mind. Despite having been there for Kazi and his sister from the moment they were born, his departure from their lives must have really affected them in ways Liam hadn't expected. He'd promised them all that he would find a way back, would find a way to get them all to Agnosia, but he'd run out of time. It was clear with the way Kazi was standing here before him. Had everything else changed so violently? The colt behind him was acting strange, but the copper-burnished stallion just chalked it up to the fact that they hadn't seen each other in quite some time. It'd been nearly two years, hadn't it?

Not having realized that it'd been so long since they last saw each other, Liam frowned to himself. It was impossible. Had he truly missed that much in his previously self-imposed hermit lifestyle? Turning to face Kazi, he looked the young stallion over and gave him a once-over. Kazi had grown into a strong young stallion, one that was capable of taking care of himself, one that was more than capable of going off and starting his own family. It was weird, seeing him like this now. "I'm sorry, I'm staring. I just can't believe you're grown. I still see you as the young colt in the library. Do you remember that day?" Liam inquired, curious to know if Kazi did.

The blue of Kazi's eyes brightened, and Liam's ears turned backward carefully, slowly. If there was shock on his face, it disappeared just as quickly as it came. He didn't think asking the questions would have upset Kazi this much, and now he regretted asking them altogether. Awkwardly, the stallion shifted his weight on his legs and he backed up a few steps, wondering if it was too late to turn tail and run. But that would be highly unlike him; he stood up to challenges and rarely backed down. Kazi had been family; he would never willingly turn his back on his family.

The utter vitriol that Kazi spoke with surprised Liam beyond belief. Eyes widening, the stallion gazed at his faux-son, shell-shocked. "Why don't I?" Liam inquired, voice full of confusion that he was sure was showing on his face. The words thrown at him were icy, pure anger, and Liam hadn't realized that the young stallion was that angry about anything. Had something happened? Did they not receive his letters? The soldier's mind started whirling, trying to find the answer with what little he was given.

But the answer was right in front of him. The letters. Had no one gotten them? Had they all questioned his disappearance and just chalked it up to him abandoning them? A weird sort of constriction felt like it was wrapping itself around his chest, hurt and pain lashing through him as he stared at the young equine he'd helped raise as his own. "I hadn't realized your mother was in that dire of shape when I had to leave," the stallion replied softly, his gaze dropping to the ground for several moments as he tried to think back to his days spent with Octavia. Nothing had seemed out of the ordinary; had his departure caused it? 

But it was the mention of Kaja that had him jerking his head up. "Gone as in dead, or gone as in missing? Kazi, you have to know that I didn't abandon you, your sister, or your mother. I left l-letters," the great stallion stammered, frowning again and searching Kazi's face for recognition. "Everyone got letters. You, Kaja, your mother, Rowan, Bucky. I was beckoned back to Agnosia, and I had to go. You must know that I didn't want to leave anyone behind," he pleaded gently, trying to make the young stallion to see.

"Liam speaks."

Notes;; I feel like he'd start crying XD
Tag;; @Kazi 
Voice claim;; Chris Evans
Words;; 645

Played by [PM] Posts: N/A — Threads:

<>:X:<> KAZI <>:X:<> 

"I read the rules..."

The young stallion definitely remembered the day in the library. It was one of the last times he was somewhat content, in a place that held his interests with the knowledge that his mother and sister were safe. Even discussing books and reading with Liam hadn't been terrible, maybe even something that they could share, but it was a memory now. One clouded over by the disappointment and hurt from being abandoned before even knowing what abandonment really meant. Even his own father, who had no knowledge of his children at their birth, wouldn't have done such a thing. 

"I remember." Kazi considered what else to say, if there even was anything else. Nothing about that day really stood out anymore after everything that had happened. He decided to leave it at that, anything more would just end up giving hope where it wasn't warranted. The silence continued throughout Liam's next questions, replacing the words that would have been useless anyway. He had more control over himself now but the young stallion still wasn't sure nothing would leak through if he spoke while so emotional. He was sure his body was giving enough away with how much it tightened every time the stallion spoke up.

The prior father figure in front of him seemed to think that something was amiss, that there was supposed to have been something left behind to give some sort of answer if the way his shock kept appearing was anything to go by. Something of that sort might have given some insight for sure but he wasn't sure if it would have been enough. Words on paper or whatever wouldn't have been able to stop what had happened, they wouldn't have kept the angry boy from blaming the stallion before him. An excuse didn't pardon anyone from failing at a duty they had decided to take up.

It didn't come as much of a surprise when his thoughts were proven to be true with Liam's next words. Letters. The stallion that had sworn to protect them, protect his mother and sister, had left behind letters to explain to his faux children why he had left without telling them himself, face to face. It wasn't even a question anymore at this point, Kazi knew what he would have done with such a letter. It would have been the same thing that he and his twin had done to an ocean once, though he would have been much less proud.

"Who knows. It's been long enough that I'd prefer for her to be dead at this point." The words tore his soul into pieces but they were heartbreakingly true. Without the knowledge of her whereabouts he could only assume it was someplace bad, especially with the link between them missing, and Kazi felt that death was a much better fate than being captured somewhere. His sister had been a force but even she had limits and he didn't want to one day find out what lengths someone had gone to to break her. Mending the break in his heart would only happen once he found something to work towards and speaking with Liam wasn't getting him anywhere further with that. In fact, it was only making the seething anger boil over through the cracks.


"Letters are no way to tell a child, much less two children, that you are leaving. I guess it's a good thing I grew up so quickly, though it means I was able to get to know you more. I never thought you would be the one to just up and leave." Kazi wasn't sure if he was aiming to hurt any more than he was just trying to keep himself from saying too much. He didn't want pity from this stallion any more than he wanted him trying to fix things. Anyone that was going to leave out of the blue, and not even make sure the excuse they wrote up made it to the people they were meant for, wasn't someone he wanted in his life anymore.

"... before I break them."


@Liam | Notes

Played by Offline Marthanóir [PM] Posts: 69 — Threads: 8
Signos: 10
Dusk Court Citizen
Male [He/His/Him]  |  Immortal [Year 494 Summer]  |  20 hh  |  Hth: 10 — Atk: 10 — Exp: 57  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: N/A


The day spent in the library had been a good one. They'd chatted about different books, different things they liked to read, and he'd thoroughly enjoyed spending that time with the young stallion. Had he known how his leaving would have affected Kazi, he would have fought harder to stay. Uneasiness, regret, and guilt bubbled in the stallion's gut as he gazed at the colt he'd taken on as his own. Little did Liam know, the colt was sired by the very stallion that had tormented, destroyed, and haunted Vasanta, and who had even come to flaunt what he'd done over him and his family. This interaction -- and how Liam left everything and everyone -- hadn't been a very successful first foray into the world of fatherhood.

"I remember." It was all Liam had gotten as an answer to his question. Flicking an ear backward, the copper-coated stallion just looked at his adopted son, wondering if he was going to continue. When he didn't, Liam just stood there awkwardly, not really sure what to say to continue their conversation. "Did you-- enjoy that day?" He inquired curiously, wondering if this was the right thing to say, considering how Kazi had snapped at him when he'd inquired about Octavia and Kaja. Truthfully, he missed the two mares, especially after meeting with Kazi. He wondered just how gone Octavia's mind was, and what had happened to Kaja. Was he even allowed to know that?

The letters that he'd left everyone had very clearly done a pretty poor job at consoling Kazi's aching heart as a foal. Part of him wondered if Kazi had sought out Bucky, since the grumpy stallion was like a father to him as well. Opening his mouth, Liam went to ask about it, but he immediately clammed up, unsure of if he wanted to throw Bucky under the bus like that. Deciding against it, Liam looked away for a moment, glancing around them at the clearing. Part of him wanted to invite Kazi to do something, whether it be a fight or something else entirely, but he wasn't entirely sure of what to say or to offer. Would hurting the stallion physically help Kazi feel better?

While in Vasanta, shortly after becoming Emperor and finding Octavia in the dark, haunted forest, Liam had sworn to protect the two newborn foals and Octavia herself. It was clear that he hadn't done what he'd sworn and promised to do. It was one of his very few failures, and probably one of the ones he most regrets. Liam regrets everything that happened in Caeleste, but what he doesn't regret is bringing Kazi and Kaja and their mother into his life.

The answer from Kazi hadn't been one he was expecting, and he flicked both of his ears back. "And if she wasn't? Would you want her back in your life, or would you treat her like you're doing to me right now? Kazi, I know this can't be easy for you, but I-- I want to make it right, even though I know that's probably impossible," Liam urges carefully, his blue eyes imploring. Truthfully, if Kaja had been gone as long as the stallion thinks she had been, perhaps it was better for her to be dead. Who knew what had happened to the young mare, especially if she'd been gone this long. Growing up, Kaja had been a force, but one that Liam enjoyed witnessing. There had been an untamed wildness in the young filly that the stallion had been startled by but had learned to embrace.

Sighing gently as Kazi spoke again, Liam took a moment to look ashamed, and it was a true emotion. The stallion's veins scalded with regrets, shame, and embarrassment. Letters were good for the adults, but not for the children. He should have stayed behind a bit longer to tell them what was going on, and why he was leaving. "I know, Kazi. I know. I regret what happened, and I wish that I could have stayed behind to say goodbye to you and your sister. Something-- Something happened and I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye. I was actually on my way to tell you and Kaja what was going on and I didn't even get a chance to get there," he tried to explain, pinning his ears against his skull. He'd left Kazi and Kaja's letters with Bucky, hoping he'd give them to the foals, and it was clear that he had.

"Liam speaks."

Notes;; I feel like he'd start crying XD
Tag;; @Kazi 
Voice claim;; Chris Evans
Words;; 751

Played by [PM] Posts: N/A — Threads:

<>:X:<> KAZI <>:X:<> 

"I read the rules..."

The snort that escaped the colt didn’t meet much resistance on the way out. At this point he was beyond trying to save face, if he ever really was before now. In Kazi’s opinion there was no repairing the familial relationship that had started to form between them. There wasn’t enough time put into it for there to be any deep roots to bind them and any that had started to form had burned to ash by now. Bringing up old memories wasn’t going to magically fix everything and it would be cruel to give any sort of positive answer. Which is why he didn’t just ignore the question.

“You know… I think I might have. Though it’s pretty easy to entertain a child, even one as antisocial as myself. No worries, you can be glad to hear that it once stood out as a bright memory. Of course it’s now just a memory like all the others, overwritten by more recent ones. You see, that happens when a child grows up. Memories dim, especially when the other party is no longer around.” It was probably the most poetic the boy had been. He blamed it on the books, though he knew from those same writings that most words were fueled by emotion. A bright glint appeared in Kazi’s eyes as he thought of something else he had learned.

”I once read that memories from a trauma or very emotional moment almost seem to burn themselves into the mind. I wonder just how traumatic the abandonment from a father figure would be.” A sneer lifted his lips from the tusks that jutted out between them. He wasn’t a fan of admitting to emotion but in this case it would be worth it just to see the effect they had.

Kazi didn’t flinch away from the stallion’s next question, though it hadn’t been entirely expected. His eyes narrowed at the implication that his twin had just abandoned him. Either Liam didn’t know what it was like to have a sibling, much less a twin, or he just overlooked the strength of the bond between them. Either way it was a ridiculous insinuation and the colt wasn’t fond of it.

”You don’t know shit if you think my sister would do anything similar to what you did. She would have known better than to up and leave with nothing more than a letter that may or may not make if to me. She would have found some way to let me know immediately. She would have fought for that and I wouldn’t even need to consider treating her in a way that is similar to now.” Kazi had to pause for a moment just to calm the burning in his chest. He could handle himself in most situations but anything said against his sister was bound to end in something less than pleasant.

”You’re goddamn right. There’s no possible way that you could fix anything. Honestly you should just give up now, the hole is just getting deeper the more you say.” He shrugged along with his words, getting to the point where he was ready to just walk away. He had said what needed to be said on his part and didn’t see much of a point in continuing this chat. Kazi figured he’d see how much further Liam would go before ending the conversation. Might as well let the stallion see just how much he had fucked up.

With a dark chuckle the boy rolled his eyes up to the trees above them. It was becoming predictable at this point and that was when things started to get boring. “Regret is all well and good but in the end the mistake still remains. If I had any respect left for you I’d probably believe in a second chance but it’s a little difficult to find any sort of respect for you anymore. That vanished along with you when you left.” 

"... before I break them."


@Liam | I have to admit… this was fun to write.

Played by Offline Marthanóir [PM] Posts: 69 — Threads: 8
Signos: 10
Dusk Court Citizen
Male [He/His/Him]  |  Immortal [Year 494 Summer]  |  20 hh  |  Hth: 10 — Atk: 10 — Exp: 57  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: N/A


Liam heard the snort. How could he not? They were standing relatively close, something that didn't escape the copper-burnished stallion's notice. Since the day he'd left Caeleste, all he'd thought about was Bucky and the twins, hoping that they all were okay. Clearly, they did turn out to be okay, but at what cost? The relationship between pseudo-father and son was no longer present, no longer there, and while it broke Liam's heart, he knew that it was just another aspect and part of life. Still, the familiarity and fondness lingered there, and the stallion knew it always would. He'd been there from the day the colt had been born, had watched him grow from a spindly thing to a colt that could hold his own. But that was before everything fell apart.

Knowing that Kazi thought he might have enjoyed that day in the library brought some kind of bittersweet relief to the stallion the more the colt explained it. Flicking his ears backward again, Liam narrowed his eyes slightly before clearing his throat and shifting his weight on his hooves. "While I haven't been around children very much, Kazi, I have done quite a bit of reading, and I've learned what happens when one grows up. What the readings didn't prepare me for was how ungrateful children can be," he explains, shrugging his shoulders. It was probably the most opinionated the stallion had been to someone that wasn't Bucky, but he felt it was warranted in this situation, especially after seeing the bright glint in Kazi's eyes.

"I never told you this, Kazi, but my own father died before I was ever born. So I know what it's like to grow up without a father, or hell, without even a father figure. My mother never fell in love again; my father was the love of her life. But you? You had a father figure. Me? I had no one outside of my mother. We're not the same," Liam bit out, the interaction between the two of them turning south in the blink of an eye.

With his next question, the great captain realized he'd hit a nerve. Kazi's eyes narrowed, and there was yet another bittersweet pang to the captain's heart. He'd been alone most of his life, especially after his mother died, and he had no other family outside of Bucky. Having no siblings — older or younger — paved the way for the stallion to be incredibly lonely as he grew up.

Scoffing at Kazi's next words, Liam rolled his eyes and fixed the colt with a look. "She left you, did she not? She's gone?" He inquired, shifting his weight once more. After a few short moments, he began to pace carefully in front of Kazi, feeling the incapability to stand still settling in again. "I'm sorry, Kazi, but I fail to see any difference in what Kaja has done compared to what I did. We both left you. You were left alone, left to deal with an ill mother," he points out, knowing full well that he's most likely hit yet another nerve. But there's no stopping Liam when he's on a roll, especially not now. "You know, the way you're treating me versus how you'd compare your sister is hypocrisy. Either way you put it, she and I both abandoned you, and that's the very basic truth," he bites out, his head turning to look at Kazi as he pauses in his pacing.

There had been several times when the great captain had been told to give up in his life. But there had been so few times — less than five, if his estimate was right — when Liam had actually given up. But this was one of those times when he was actually contemplating doing exactly just that. " You know what, Kazi. You're right. There's nothing more here for us, and we're both fooling ourselves by conversing further. I'll do you one better. I don't want to see you around Dusk Court or the citizens. If I see you around Dusk Court, I won't hesitate sending the military out to make sure you leave. You're forbidden and banned from it all," he explained, eyes narrowing.

"I'd say it was nice seeing you, but, well—" Liam explains, shrugging his shoulders again. Flicking his tail over his well-muscled hindquarters, the stallion takes one more look at the colt he'd once considered a son, and he flares his nostrils. "Goodbye, Kazi," he says, a tone of finality in his voice as he turns away and leaves, his copper-coated frame disappearing into the underbrush of the forest.

"Liam speaks."

Notes;; Sorry for the wait. And also sorry not sorry for Liam.
Tag;; @Kazi 
Voice claim;; Chris Evans
Words;; 779

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