Played by
Kat [
Posts: 146 — Threads: 25
Signos: 77
Female [She/Her/Hers] | Immortal [Year 498 Spring] | 15.2 hh | Hth: 28 — Atk: 32 — Exp: 53
| Active Magic: Energy Transference | Bonded: Fylax (Gryphon)
Applying Enchantment
Character receiving the Enchanted item: @Antiope
What item are you wishing to enchant? Weapon
Have you purchased the item you wish to enchant? No
-- If no: Using joining incentive (redemption here)
Have you purchased the Enchantment item as well? No
-- If no: Current 03/19 joining incentive
Is the Accessories section of your character's profile filled out? Yes
Brief Description of the Enchanted Item: Antiope's axe blade becomes enveloped with glowing energy, making it hot as fire to the touch.
Thread Specifics
Opting for a Quest? Yes
-- If yes: Do you want the Quest set in the past or present? Present
-- If yes: Do you have a specific land you'd like your quest to be in? Anywhere in Night!
-- If yes: How would you like to gain this Enchanted Item? I really have no concrete ideas unfortunately. Perhaps she will need it to burn through something? It becomes as hot as if it were placed directly in a flame for a prolonged period of time, so the potential for use is actually pretty large.
I have read all rules and guidelines set forth in the Guidebook for Enchanted Items. I understand that the staff will work with me through private messages if changes need to be made to what I wish to redeem. I am not able to mention the item in my IC posts until the staff have formally approved this redemption.
Signed: Katherine
*** STAFF EDIT ***
Katherine / @
Antiope Enchantment approved and added to the Records; you may begin RP'ing them ICly with their enchanted weapon!
*** STAFF EDIT ***
This quest was written by @
syndicate and can be found
a war is calling
the tides are turned
03-30-2019, 08:51 PM
- This post was last modified: 07-01-2019, 12:27 AM by inkbone
Played by
Sparrow [
Posts: 12 — Threads: 3
Signos: 5
Male [He/Him/His] | 15 [Year 497 Summer] | 15.3 hh | Hth: 10 — Atk: 10 — Exp: 18
| Active Magic: Soul Weaving | Bonded: N/A
Applying Enchantment
Character receiving the Enchanted item: @Vikander
What item are you wishing to enchant? Accessory
Have you purchased the item you wish to enchant? No.
-- If no: Free small accessory given upon joining.
Have you purchased the Enchantment item as well? No.
-- If no: Incentives - 04/2019 Joining Night Court incentive.
Is the Accessories section of your character's profile filled out? Yes.
Brief Description of the Enchanted Item: A pendant that has 'recorded' the voices of his wife and daughter.
Thread Specifics
Opting for a Quest? No.
-- If yes: Do you want the Quest set in the past or present?
-- If yes: Do you have a specific land you'd like your quest to be in?
-- If yes: How would you like to gain this Enchanted Item?
I have read all rules and guidelines set forth in the Guidebook for Enchanted Items. I understand that the staff will work with me through private messages if changes need to be made to what I wish to redeem. I am not able to mention the item in my IC posts until the staff have formally approved this redemption.
Signed: @Sparrow
*** STAFF EDIT ***
Sparrow / @
Vikander Enchantment approved and added to the Records; you may begin RP'ing them ICly with their enchanted item.
04-08-2019, 04:03 AM
- This post was last modified: 04-26-2020, 09:44 PM by inkbone
Played by
HeartfullOfJess [
Posts: 19 — Threads: 6
Signos: 305
Female [She/Her/Hers] | 11 [Year 501 Spring] | 14.1 hh | Hth: 12 — Atk: 8 — Exp: 10
| Active Magic: Healing | Bonded: N/A
Applying Enchantment
Character receiving the Enchanted item: @Kindred
What item are you wishing to enchant? Accessory
Have you purchased the item you wish to enchant? No
-- If no: 1 of 3 small joining items
Have you purchased the Enchantment item as well? No
-- If no: 07/2019 Joining incentive for medic rank
Is the Accessories section of your character's profile filled out? Yes
Brief Description of the Enchanted Item: A black, crescent moon which causes the user's sound sensory nerves to stop receiving input while the pendant is touched by a nose.
Thread Specifics
Opting for a Quest? No
-- If yes: Do you want the Quest set in the past or present?
-- If yes: Do you have a specific land you'd like your quest to be in?
-- If yes: How would you like to gain this Enchanted Item?
I have read all rules and guidelines set forth in the Guidebook for Enchanted Items. I understand that the staff will work with me through private messages if changes need to be made to what I wish to redeem. I am not able to mention the item in my IC posts until the staff have formally approved this redemption.
Signed: HeartfullOfJess
*** STAFF EDIT ***
heartfullofjess / @
Kindred Enchantment approved and added to the Records. You may write your character with her enchanted pendant ICly.
07-09-2019, 03:31 AM
- This post was last modified: 04-27-2020, 02:36 AM by inkbone