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Private  - frankly I'm a little disquieting [Regime]

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Played by Offline Sparrow [PM] Posts: 196 — Threads: 34
Signos: 25
Dawn Court Scholar
Male [He/Him/His]  |  16 [Year 495 Spring]  |  15.2 hh  |  Hth: 22 — Atk: 18 — Exp: 48  |    Active Magic: Blood Manipulation  |    Bonded: Alba (Barn Owl)

One by one they arrived. Ulric was the first, stepping in with a keen eye, and Somnus did not miss the way that he surveyed the room just as critically with a single glance. The Dawn King couldn’t help but smile. The Warden was even more determined to keep an eye on things after the bodies of Moore and Casper were found within the woods, and he worried for the blue roan’s future sleep schedule.

Pavetta followed, and he dipped his head towards the striped female. He recalled their initial meeting within the creek and took a moment to wonder at just how far their relationship had come since then. It was easy to remember just how hostile she had once been, the distrust palpable in the air between them, but now? Well, Somnus respected the Emissary of Delumine a great deal, and her determined presence was a soothing balm amidst all of the chaos and tragedy that surrounded them.

Lastly came Ipomoea, and Somnus’ expression softened. Where Ulric was their sword and shield and Pavetta was their voice, Ipomoea was their light. Bright, charismatic, charming, Ipomoea was a beautiful soul that wanted only the best for their court. The dunalino had not lied when he started calling Po his ‘little brother’.

The Dawn Court had become something far more than just a court. These individuals were his family. Somnus loved and cherished each and every one of them, and as they all gathered and situated themselves around the small table table of meager snacks, he tried to imagine a life without them. He couldn’t. They were family. Everyone within Delumine was precious and loved.

Nodding his head as everyone got comfortable, Somnus eventually did the same. Waiting for the last of them to get comfortable and partake in the snacks or the drinks, the Dawn King lowered himself to the ground with a deep breath and reached out for a sip of coffee. The earthy flavor was familiar on his tongue, and he wondered for just a moment how many cups he’d had that day before clearing his throat to speak.

“I won’t keep you all for too long, but I do have some concerns that I need addressed. I would like to hear your opinions on them.” A pass of verdant eyes upon coats of striped, roan, and spotted. He met each of their eyes, letting the severity of the situation show upon his face. Somnus felt tired. He detested the mistrust in his heart, but he could no longer keep it contained. Not with the influx of mystery and unrest that seemed to enshroud not only Delumine, but all of Novus as well.

“My first concern; Sloane. She came to me in the library, searching for prominent ancestral family trees within Delumine. From what I could gather she was searching for information on any ’bastard children’ that may be lurking.” It wasn’t uncommon to want to know the history of the land you decided to live in. Somnus couldn’t fault her for that, not when he had done the very same as he had settled within the Dawn Court and found his own roots. “To put it bluntly? I do not trust her. While I do not believe she had any assistance in the killings of Moore and Casper, her reactions within Viride do cause me concern. She sees this all as a game, and her lack of empathy is disconcerting. Throughout my interactions with her, she has always been rather lucrative and vague in her mannerisms, and during the fires she would rather hide in the shadows.”

The Dawn King paused only long enough to clear his throat and sit a little straighter, letting his gaze roam over the features of Ulric, Ipomoea, and Pavetta. Perhaps his words might come as a bit of surprise, perhaps they wouldn’t. Perhaps they would think that his paranoia was getting the best of him, but almost as quickly as that thought came to his mind did he dismiss it. They knew that Somnus would not bring this up unless he felt that it was imperative that they all be aware. ” I have already assigned an individual to keep an eye on her. To my knowledge, they are doing just that. Perhaps this is simply stress getting to me… But with the travesties to the south and in the east, I do not trust her to not take our information and sell it to the highest bidder.”

They had nothing to hide. Delumine had always been a province up front in information, never hiding within the shadows like shadows or performing dark deeds, but it was not that which concerned him.

“I suppose I would just like to hear what you all think. If either of you have noticed such occurrences or moments of disquiet.” Then, Somnus quirked a tired little grin. “Or perhaps help me put my worries at ease. I simply want to keep our court safe.”

tag: @Ulric, @Ipomoea, @Pavetta

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self."

Please tag Somnus in all replies!

Messages In This Thread
RE: frankly I'm a little disquieting [Regime] - by Pavetta - 03-04-2019, 04:14 PM
RE: frankly I'm a little disquieting [Regime] - by Ipomoea - 03-05-2019, 09:07 PM
RE: frankly I'm a little disquieting [Regime] - by Somnus - 03-11-2019, 06:26 PM
RE: frankly I'm a little disquieting [Regime] - by Pavetta - 03-18-2019, 12:56 PM
RE: frankly I'm a little disquieting [Regime] - by Ipomoea - 03-20-2019, 01:25 PM
RE: frankly I'm a little disquieting [Regime] - by Ipomoea - 04-26-2019, 03:42 AM
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