Played by
inkbone [ PM] Posts: 3 — Threads: 1
Signos: 0
Female [She/Her/Hers] | 14 [Year 498 Spring] | 10.2 hh | Hth: 9 — Atk: 11 — Exp: 20
| Active Magic: Siren's Song | Bonded: Kai (Sea Newt)
Redeeming Active Magic
Character receiving Magic: @Odessa
Have you purchased the 'Active Magic' item? Yes
-- If no:
One/Two-word description of Active Magic: Siren's Song
Opting for having a related Parvus Magic? Yes
-- If yes, give a brief description: Her voice carries unnaturally long lengths
Is the Magic section of your character's profile filled out? Yes, both active and parvus
How does the Magic relate to your Court? Odessa often explains her 'gift' by stating that it helps her learn more about those she enchants, and it allows her to free their mind of daily worries - often resulting in calmness and tranquility.
Thread Specifics
Opting for a Quest? Yes
-- If yes: Do you want the Quest set in the past or present? Present
-- If yes: Do you have a specific land you'd like your quest to be in? Since she doesn't have a land form yet, somewhere *in* the water please! Doesn't have to be Terminus specifically. She's traveled up the Rapax river into the Dawn area, too c:
-- If yes: How would you like to gain this Active Magic? "Accidentally" - as if she's singing and doesn't immediately realize that she's drawn someone to her in a trance.
I have read all rules and guidelines set forth in the Guidebook for Magic. I understand that the staff will work with me through private messages until my Magic ladder is deemed acceptable. I am not able to use Magic in my IC posts until the staff have given me their full approval, replaced my Magic Item with the Discipuli Magic Item, and recorded it under the Magic Records.
Signed: @inkbone
*** STAFF EDIT ***
@ inkbone / @ Odessa - Active Magic was approved and added to the Records, and the Active Magic item was swapped for the Tier 1: Discipuli Magic item! You may now begin writing them IC'ly with their magics according to their level.
The quest for this can be found HERE!
12-31-2018, 05:30 AM
- This post was last modified: 09-01-2019, 07:04 PM by Random Events
Played by
Obsidian [ PM] Posts: 70 — Threads: 5
Signos: 25
Female [She/Her/Hers] | 15 [Year 496 Winter] | 16 hh | Hth: 10 — Atk: 10 — Exp: 22
| Active Magic: Starfire | Bonded: N/A
Redeeming Active Magic
Character receiving Magic: @Leto
Have you purchased the 'Active Magic' item? NO
-- If no: Dec. 2018 joining incentive!
One/Two-word description of Active Magic: Starfire
Opting for having a related Parvus Magic? YES
-- If yes, give a brief description: Blood lights up white like the colour of stars and glows. It makes her veins shine white - linked to her emotions. When she is higher on adrenaline it glows brighter.
Is the Magic section of your character's profile filled out? YES
How does the Magic relate to your Court? Links to the court ideals as stars come out during twilight hours. it is a time of transition and part of Leto's magic is the brightening and darkening of the magic in her blood.
Thread Specifics
Opting for a Quest? YES
-- If yes: Do you want the Quest set in the past or present? PRESENT
-- If yes: Do you have a specific land you'd like your quest to be in? Vitreus Lake
-- If yes: How would you like to gain this Active Magic? No preference!
I have read all rules and guidelines set forth in the Guidebook for Magic. I understand that the staff will work with me through private messages until my Magic ladder is deemed acceptable. I am not able to use Magic in my IC posts until the staff have given me their full approval, replaced my Magic Item with the Discipuli Magic Item, and recorded it under the Magic Records.
Signed: Obsidian
*** STAFF EDIT ***
@ Obsidian / @ Leto - Active Magic was approved and added to the Records, and the Tier 1: Discipuli item was sent to their account! You may now begin writing them IC'ly with their magics according to their level.
12-31-2018, 12:01 PM
- This post was last modified: 05-08-2020, 03:15 AM by inkbone
Played by
Zombie [ PM] Posts: 103 — Threads: 8
Signos: 325
Redeeming Active Magic
Character receiving Magic: @Sloane
Have you purchased the 'Active Magic' item? No
-- If no: She completed more than 4 posts in a SWP - clicky here
One/Two-word description of Active Magic: Chameleon Physiology
Opting for having a related Parvus Magic? Yes
-- If yes, give a brief description: Whenever she is feeling negative, extreme emotion (rage, fright, hatred), her magic seems to flicker. It’s like a flickering light that needs a new lightbulb. Her natural colors will flash with blended colors in a rapid fashion. It is something she cannot control and it will inadvertently drain her magic.
Is the Magic section of your character's profile filled out? Yes
How does the Magic relate to your Court? Sloane has a thirst for knowledge and secrets. She will use her power to obtain such. She can't help if her magic might also be used against other courts. Or can she? Spy in the making? I think so.
I have read all rules and guidelines set forth in the Guidebook for Magic. I understand that the staff will work with me through private messages until my Magic ladder is deemed acceptable. I am not able to use Magic in my IC posts until the staff have given me their full approval, replaced my Magic Item with the Discipuli Magic Item, and recorded it under the Magic Records.
Signed: Zombie
*** STAFF EDIT ***
@ Zombie / @ Sloane - Active Magic was approved and added to the Records, and the Tier 1: Discipuli item was sent to their account! You may now begin writing them IC'ly with their magics according to their level.
12-31-2018, 11:32 PM
Played by [ PM] Posts: N/A — Threads:
Redeeming Active Magic
Character receiving Magic: @Mephisto
Have you purchased the 'Active Magic' item? No
-- If no: 1 free restricted item for members
One/Two-word description of Active Magic: Warg
Opting for having a related Parvus Magic? Yes
-- If yes, give a brief description: Can read the animal's thoughts which are being utilized as a Warg (while Warg magic is active)
Is the Magic section of your character's profile filled out? Yes
How does the Magic relate to your Court? Mephisto will be joined for the Day Court. This magic can be utilized as a sentry-type magic for battle intelligence, which plays into the Day Court's warlike ideals.
I have read all rules and guidelines set forth in the Guidebook for Magic. I understand that the staff will work with me through private messages until my Magic ladder is deemed acceptable. I am not able to use Magic in my IC posts until the staff have given me their full approval, replaced my Magic Item with the Discipuli Magic Item, and recorded it under the Magic Records.
Signed: Firefly
*** STAFF EDIT ***
@ Firefly / @Mephisto - Active Magic was approved and added to the Records, and the Tier 1: Discipuli Magic item was sent to their account! You may now begin writing them IC'ly with their magics according to their level.
01-18-2019, 06:14 AM
- This post was last modified: 05-07-2020, 12:47 PM by inkbone
Played by
Jeanne [ PM] Posts: 399 — Threads: 81
Signos: 100
Redeeming Active Magic
Character receiving Magic: @Seraphina
Have you purchased the 'Active Magic' item? Yes
One/Two-word description of Active Magic: Greater Telekinesis
Opting for having a related Parvus Magic? Yes
-- If yes, give a brief description: When using considerable amounts of magic or under emotional strain, Seraphina might levitate a few inches off the ground, and her hair might bob and flow around her, as though she is underwater; at higher levels of magic, extremely small objects on the ground around her might levitate alongside her.
Is the Magic section of your character's profile filled out? Yes
How does the Magic relate to your Court? The Day Court has a violent, destructive ideology, and powerful telekinetic magic has a pretty extreme capacity for destruction. A bit more personally, Seraphina is a character who tends to get stuck in her own head, and she has repeatedly been put into positions that make her doubt her own control and capability. The capacity to manipulate the world around her, particularly to potentially destructive ends, with her thoughts alone seems pretty fitting.
I have read all rules and guidelines set forth in the Guidebook for Magic. I understand that the staff will work with me through private messages until my Magic ladder is deemed acceptable. I am not able to use Magic in my IC posts until the staff have given me their full approval, replaced my Magic Item with the Discipuli Magic Item, and recorded it under the Magic Records.
Signed: @Jeanne
*** STAFF EDIT ***
@ Jeanne / @ Seraphina - Active Magic was approved,added to the Records, and the Tier 3: Periti Magic item was sent to their account! You may now begin writing them IC'ly with their magics according to their level.
I'M IN A ROOM MADE OUT OF MIRRORSand there's no way to escape the violence of a girl against herself.☼please tag Sera! contact is encouraged, short of violence
02-18-2019, 04:33 PM
Played by
Kezz [ PM] Posts: 44 — Threads: 9
Signos: 0
Redeeming Active Magic
Character receiving Magic: @Sabine
Have you purchased the 'Active Magic' item? No
-- If no: Ma one free restricted item<3
Thread Specifics
Opting for a Quest? Yes
If yes: Do you want the Quest set in the past or present? Present
-- If yes: Do you have a specific land you'd like your quest to be in? Nope, she is a little wanderbug she goes errywhere.
-- If yes: How would you like to gain this Active Magic? Honestly, I don't have any ideas bc I am the least creative bean in the whole universe. ;-;
One/Two-word description of Active Magic: Medium
Opting for having a related Parvus Magic? Yes
-- If yes, give a brief description: Upon reaching Tier 2 and beyond, her eyes transform from glacier-blue to a thick milk white when communicating with the spirit/s.
Is the Magic section of your character's profile filled out? Yes
How does the Magic relate to your Court? Uhhhh she isn't part of a court, bUT: Sabine is an extremely empathic creature, and it seems only natural that her magic should be an extension of this.
I understand and agree to all of the following: I have read all rules and guidelines set forth in the Guidebook for Magic. Staff will work with me through private messages until my Magic is deemed acceptable. If I am opting for the quest, I must respond to the thread the staff create for me in order for the purchase to be valid. I am not able to use Magic in my IC posts until the staff have given me their full approval, replaced my Magic Item with the Discipuli Magic Item, and recorded it under the Magic Records. If I am found writing my character with a Magic other than the one described in my profile, my item will be revoked without refund.
Signed: Kezz
*** STAFF EDIT ***
@ Kezz / @ Sabine, Active Magic is approved and added to the Records. You have been sent the Tier 1: Discipuli item.
*** STAFF EDIT ***
The quest for this redemption can be found here. Sabine has replied and gained +2EXP for Gaining & Questing for an Interactive Agora Item.
03-05-2019, 02:44 PM
- This post was last modified: 06-30-2019, 08:36 PM by inkbone
Played by
Kat [ PM] Posts: 146 — Threads: 25
Signos: 77
Female [She/Her/Hers] | Immortal [Year 498 Spring] | 15.2 hh | Hth: 28 — Atk: 32 — Exp: 53
| Active Magic: Energy Transference | Bonded: Fylax (Gryphon)
Redeeming Active Magic
Character receiving Magic: @Antiope
Have you purchased the 'Active Magic' item? No
-- If no: Free Member Restricted Item
Thread Specifics
Opting for a Quest? Yes
-- If yes: Do you want the Quest set in the past or present? Present
-- If yes: Do you have a specific land you'd like your quest to be in? Anywhere in Night!
-- If yes: How would you like to gain this Active Magic? Because she's being joined with it, but her abilities will be lesser arriving in Novus than they were in her home, I'd like for this to be a sort of... discovery that she's having to start over in a way? If that makes sense.
One/Two-word description of Active Magic: Energy Transference
Opting for having a related Parvus Magic? Yes
-- If yes, give a brief description: Eyes transform into a glowing gold without pupils as she uses her magic.
Is the Magic section of your character's profile filled out? Yes
How does the Magic relate to your Court? Because her magic gives her a boost to her physical abilities it makes her better equipped to both protect her community (a task she shall not take lightly considering circumstances from her past) and, at later stages, help her court members to protect themselves through the transference of energy to herself or others.
I understand and agree to all of the following: I have read all rules and guidelines set forth in the Guidebook for Magic. Staff will work with me through private messages until my Magic is deemed acceptable. I am not able to use Magic in my IC posts until the staff have formally approved this redemption, replaced my Active Magic Item with the Tiered Magic Item, and recorded it under the Magic Records. If I am found writing my character with a Magic other than the one described in my profile, my item will be revoked without refund.
Signed: Katherine
*** STAFF EDIT ***
@ Katherine / @ Antiope - Active Magic approved with character acceptance and added to the Records. You may write your character with her magic ICly.
*** STAFF EDIT ***
This quest was written by @ Rae and can be found here, and has been completed.
a war is calling
the tides are turned
03-30-2019, 09:01 PM
- This post was last modified: 05-08-2020, 03:00 AM by inkbone
Played by
Sparrow [ PM] Posts: 12 — Threads: 3
Signos: 5
Male [He/Him/His] | 15 [Year 497 Summer] | 15.3 hh | Hth: 10 — Atk: 10 — Exp: 18
| Active Magic: Soul Weaving | Bonded: N/A
Redeeming Active Magic
Character receiving Magic: @Vikander
Have you purchased the 'Active Magic' item? Yes.
-- If no:
Thread Specifics
Opting for a Quest? No.
-- If yes: Do you want the Quest set in the past or present?
-- If yes: Do you have a specific land you'd like your quest to be in?
-- If yes: How would you like to gain this Active Magic?
One/Two-word description of Active Magic: Soul Weaving
Opting for having a related Parvus Magic? Yes.
-- If yes, give a brief description: Dead Sense - Can see and sense whenever the souls of the dead are nearby.
Is the Magic section of your character's profile filled out? Yes.
How does the Magic relate to your Court? Vikander will slowly learn the meaning of 'community' through his interactions with the Scarab, which serve as his makeshift sort of family. With this magic, he hopes to benefit those who will need it, intimate as he is with the pain of loss. With his enchantments they count as 'disbelieving', for magic does not always need to be seen by the naked eye in order to be believed.
I understand and agree to all of the following: I have read all rules and guidelines set forth in the Guidebook for Magic. Staff will work with me through private messages until my Magic is deemed acceptable. I am not able to use Magic in my IC posts until the staff have formally approved this redemption, replaced my Active Magic Item with the Tiered Magic Item, and recorded it under the Magic Records. If I am found writing my character with a Magic other than the one described in my profile, my item will be revoked without refund.
Signed: @Sparrow
*** STAFF EDIT ***
@ Sparrow / @ Vikander - Active Magic approved with character acceptance and added to the Records. You may write your character with his magic ICly. +1 EXP awarded for gaining an Interactive item.
04-30-2019, 09:25 PM
Played by [ PM] Posts: N/A — Threads:
Redeeming Active Magic
Character receiving Magic: @Valefor
Have you purchased the 'Active Magic' item? yes!
-- If no:
Thread Specifics
Opting for a Quest? YES
-- If yes: Do you want the Quest set in the past or present? Past, please!
-- If yes: Do you have a specific land you'd like your quest to be in? any land
-- If yes: How would you like to gain this Active Magic? he was blessed shortly after his birth with the magic when the tavern owner brought him to an altar to pray for him
One/Two-word description of Active Magic: Mental Manipulation
Opting for having a related Parvus Magic? yes
-- If yes, give a brief description: Valefor's eyes, hair, and swirled markings will often exhibit a fire-like glow when he uses his mind magic.
Is the Magic section of your character's profile filled out? yes!
How does the Magic relate to your Court? He was blessed by the God of Late Winter in his old home, whose Court prized intelligence and political maneuvering above all, a cold and harsh land -- ironic, then, that Vale will learn to use his magic to help soothe the restless minds of the Night Court, whose people have a warmth he'd never before encountered.
I understand and agree to all of the following: I have read all rules and guidelines set forth in the Guidebook for Magic. Staff will work with me through private messages until my Magic is deemed acceptable. I am not able to use Magic in my IC posts until the staff have formally approved this redemption, replaced my Active Magic Item with the Tiered Magic Item, and recorded it under the Magic Records. If I am found writing my character with a Magic other than the one described in my profile, my item will be revoked without refund.
Signed: Bruiser
*** STAFF EDIT ***
@ bruiser / @valefor - Active Magic approved and added to the Records. You may write your character with their magic ICly.
*** STAFF EDIT ***
This quest for this redemption is pending! We will let you know when it becomes available.
05-21-2019, 09:56 PM
- This post was last modified: 06-30-2019, 08:47 PM by inkbone
Played by [ PM] Posts: N/A — Threads:
Redeeming Active Magic
Character receiving Magic: @Jetsam
Have you purchased the 'Active Magic' item? no
-- If no: new member incentive!
Thread Specifics
Opting for a Quest? no
-- If yes: Do you want the Quest set in the past or present? //
-- If yes: Do you have a specific land you'd like your quest to be in?
-- If yes: How would you like to gain this Active Magic?
One/Two-word description of Active Magic: Lycanthropy
Opting for having a related Parvus Magic? no
-- If yes, give a brief description: //
Is the Magic section of your character's profile filled out? YES
How does the Magic relate to your Court? Jetsam is part of the Dawn Court - the intellects. Although his magic was not necessarily what he wanted or what he needed, he documents it at length and is extremely detailed when doing so. He has always been scholarly and introverted, and studies himself at length in order to pass on the knowledge to others of his kind (should he be made aware of any) and to leave a record of his affliction if nothing else in the halls of the library for any to read. His has been a long journey of self-discovery and self-preservation, and might inspire those who struggle with their own magic.
I understand and agree to all of the following: I have read all rules and guidelines set forth in the Guidebook for Magic. Staff will work with me through private messages until my Magic is deemed acceptable. I am not able to use Magic in my IC posts until the staff have formally approved this redemption, replaced my Active Magic Item with the Tiered Magic Item, and recorded it under the Magic Records. If I am found writing my character with a Magic other than the one described in my profile, my item will be revoked without refund.
Signed: Princeley
*** STAFF EDIT ***
@princeley / @jetsam - Active Magic approved and added to the Records. You may write your character with their magic ICly.
05-28-2019, 01:52 PM
- This post was last modified: 05-07-2020, 12:44 PM by inkbone